Making a Will can seem a daunting process and it’s easy to put it off if you don’t know where to start. Your local consultant, Kim, says:
“Once you have made an appointment with Local Wills Derby, I will send you a checklist so that you know the things you need to consider prior to the meeting. I will arrange to see you in your own home at a time that suits you, and where you have all the information, such as addresses, to hand.
As well as being very convenient, it means that clients have usually got all the information, such as addresses, that they need, nearby.
At the first meeting we will look at your particular circumstances and what you want to achieve with your Will, I can then advise you accordingly. I will explain things in plain English and often with the help of pictures. Once I have taken your instructions, we will make an appointment to sign the final document. A draft document will be prepared and sent to clients for their approval prior to the second appointment.
Although the language of Wills has got simpler in recent years, there may still be something you don’t understand and a quick call or email to me will allow me to explain it. At the second appointment clients will sign their Wills and it is only then, when they have possession of a legally binding document, that the fee is due.”
Why you need to make a Will
- To ensure your hard-earned assets go to those you choose
- To appoint guardians to look after your children if they were orphaned
- To appoint executors to deal with your estate
- To avoid family disputes
- To ensure your children still inherit if your partner remarries after your death
- To say who you would like to care for your pets
- To reduce your inheritance tax liability
- To allow someone to continue living in your house
- To choose the age at which your children inherit
- To look after your business interests
- To leave a legacy to your favourite charity
- To state your funeral wishes
To give you peace of mind in your lifetime and control when you are no longer here.
Did you know?
- Without a Will in place your spouse (husband/wife/civil partner) may not inherit everything you have
- Unmarried couples have no automatic right to inherit from each other
- If you haven’t appointed guardians for your children, then the Courts may decide who looks after them
- Children from previous relationships may not benefit
- A Will that you have already made, will most likely be revoked by marriage
- You can update your Will so long as you still have the capacity to do so
With today’s complex family situations, making a Will is more important than ever.